Because everyone lives a different life.

    Just ask yourself, why wouldn't you want your home deep cleaned 4 times a year? Maybe you're a person who keeps up with your home as much as you can and maybe you just need a good thorough deep cleaning every few months or so. That's fine with us! We know that not everyone's needs fit into the same box and that is why we created the Quarterly Installment Plan. With this plan, we break up your quarterly deep cleanings into monthly payments and bill you every month leading up to your next appointment. As a member, you get a discount off the Deep cleaning fees along with any other service you may want to use from us. Many people don't realize they need a deep cleaning of their home until they have gotten to a state of despair. Then they scramble and try to find a cleaning company they can book only to find out the availability is slim. Don't put yourself in this situation. We will keep you on our recurring schedule and let you know 2 weeks before coming, and then again 3 days before. This way the thought of having to schedule a cleaning is out of your head. This just might be one of the best things you've done for yourself (or someone else) in a while. Take a look at what's included in our Quarterly Deep Cleanings!